My grandmother always used the phrase “The world is coming to the end… . The Bible says you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the seasons,” she would say.Growing up, I never believed anything she said because I always thought she was an 80-year-old woman who had nothing better to talk about.
Though I’d rather not make this column about religion, I will say that it sure is difficult to tell the seasons apart.
Here it is about to be December and there are still hot days. Some nights the weather drops down into the high 30s, mid-40s. But other than that, all Louisiana seems to get is a little wind.
In New Orleans, it was cold and windy, but up here in Northern Louisiana, the weather can’t make up its mind.
Though we can’t change the work of Mother Nature, I do believe that people should start taking the weather more seriously. Instead of dressing for fun, dress according to the weather.
Wearing a coat, sweater or undershirt can play a very important role into keeping you warm and away from catching a cold.
I can remember last semester, I had the flu for almost two weeks. I was weak, stressed and felt horrible.
Part of the reason I caught the illness is because I wasn’t dressing appropriately for the season.
According to HealthScout, there are 18 to 20 million cases of the cold in America each year. So we have to try our best to protect ourselves from catching this virus.
I guess these days we have to go back to our roots, by running outside in the morning to try to predict the weather.
Though it may look silly, hopefully it can be the cure that assists me in staying healthy.