The members of United Afrikan Amerikan Men Inc. held a seminar on business etiquette last Tuesday night in Woodson Hall. Travis Mills, a member of the organization, said the purpose of the seminar was to inform people on how to perform in a business environment and to also edify how to behave in an interview, such as the proper attire and proper English to use. Potential graduates seeking employment in the future were able to experience both visual and oral guides on how to network and how to be successful in the work environment.
Janelle Miller, president on Phi Beta Lambda business fraternity, provided an oral presentation on what to do and what not to do.
Some of the advice Miller offered included:
– Prospective employees should come prepared with a brief yet detailed resume of their credentials and skills when going to an interview.
– The proper dress code for a professional occupation should be business casual. Males should wear dress shirt, pants and shoes. A tie is optional but highly recommended. Males shouldn’t wear flashy or over-the-top shirts, too loose or saggy pants, sandals or sneakers, and most importantly NO body jewelry. Earrings are permitted but should be limited to one.
– Females should wear a nice business suit or slacks with a plain shirt, without designs or cut too high or low. Pointy-toe shoes should not be worn. Instead, square- or round-toe shoes are more appropriate. Similar to males, body jewelry should not be worn. If earrings are worn, they should be small in size, instead of big or dangling hoops. Artificial nails are permissible but shouldn’t be long and/or flashy with designs. Short nails with a nice nude color are accepted.
Maurice Firven, president of UAAM, gave a presentation on how to act during an interview.
Then Mills demonstrated how to improperly act during an interview by not adhering to professional business attire, slouching in his seat and using placeholders such as ‘um’ and ‘uh’ while talking.
Timothy Jefferson, also a member of UAAM, exhibited how to properly conduct oneself in an interview. The criminal justice major was dressed in a suit with tie, utilized good posture while sitting and spoke articulately and fluently while answering questions.
When asked about the conclusion of the seminar, member DeAngelo Lee said he felt the student body was thoroughly guided on how to be professional in corporate America.
He also stated the next upcoming event that students can look forward to seeing from UAAM is a forum called “Wake up Grambling,” where shocking issues will be discussed that are unknown on campus.