Amendment 1
A vote FOR would constitutionally protect current and future statutory supplemental pay levels, regardless of amount, for full-time local law enforcement officers and firefighters.
A vote AGAINST would continue constitutional protection for the $300 monthly supplemental pay amount for full-time local law enforcement officers and firefighters, as it was set by statute on July 1, 2001. Amendment 2
A vote FOR would authorize the Legislature to provide state-funded supplemental pay to full-time, commissioned state law enforcement officers who patrol waterways and riverfront areas and port authority firefighters (in New Orleans).
A vote AGAINST would continue to exclude state law enforcement officers and firefighters from the supplemental pay program.
Amendment 3
A vote FOR would forbid the approval of future benefit increases for public employees in the state retirement systems unless funding was identified and sufficient to pay the cost of the benefit within 10 years.
A vote AGAINST would allow the continued approval of benefit increases for public employees in the state retirement systems, as long as the cost of the benefit could be paid within 30 years.
Amendment 4
A vote FOR would grant a property tax exemption for jewelry placed on consignment with art and jewelry dealers.
A vote AGAINST would maintain the current property tax exemption for consigned artwork, which does not include jewelry.
– Source: Public Affairs Research Council