
Freshmen celebrate local college day

Mount Olive Outreach Baptist Church of Ruston celebrated its Annual College Day Program recently with over 60 Grambling State University freshmen in attendance. Rev. Billy V. Bissic Sr. is the pastor of the church. The spoken word was delivered to the congregation by the Rev. Stanley Bissic. Rev. Stanley Bissic delivered powerful words of encouragement and wisdom that were well received by the freshman class.

Some members of the class performed various talents during the worship service. Praise dancing and several songs were featured by members of the class.

There are approximately 1300 freshman students enrolled at Grambling which hails from every state, including foreign countries. Freshman students that are members of the Living Learning Community at the university, sponsored by Clair Lewis, an instructor in the First Year Experience program, also attended the service.

The freshman class sponsor Mary Boden-Harris played a major part in organizing the program.

The students enjoyed the program as well as the opportunity to associate with their fellow classmates.

A number of the students agreed that they enjoyed the service as well as meeting different students from various states across the country.

A special thanks was given to Valencia Clemons, director of the First Year Experience Program, and the members of the Mount Olive Outreach Baptist Church for the food that was prepared for the students.

After church, a sumptuous soul food meal was served to the students.