Applications are now being accepted for the Miss Black Louisiana pageant 2007-2008. The entry deadline is Sept. 15 with a possible entry deadline extension. The pageant is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 13, and Pageant Professionals Unlimited, a nonprofit scholarship organization, will serve as host.
The Miss Black Teen Louisiana U.S. Scholarship Pageant is for ages 13-17, and the Miss Black Louisiana U.S. Scholarship Pageant accepts ages 18-26.
Miss Black Louisiana U.S. Scholarship Pageant (Teen & Miss Competition) will be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 13 in the Performing Arts Center in downtown Shreveport.
Valeria Williams is Miss Black Louisiana 2006-2007.
For an application, contact Stenson Baker at
For other information, contact Pageant Professionals at 6014 Fox Ridge Circle, Shreveport, LA 71129, or call (318) 687-0055 or e-mail to