
Student Union gears up for year

There are a variety of activities that the Favrot Student Union board will sponsor this semester. The week of Aug. 26, the FSUB membership drive was open to anyone who was interested in becoming a member.

To find out about activities planned, upcoming events are listed in the academic school year calendar.

Other activities will be discussed in the advisory board meetings, which are held on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. The events discussed in the meetings will later need the approval of the executive board, hosted by Terry Lily. He is currently the acting president of student activities and interim director and spirit coordinator.

Once or if the events have been approved, the advisory board, along with members of the Student Union Board, will post several fliers of the upcoming events around Grambling States’ campus.

Classmates, students, friends, faculty members, or even a member of the Student Union Board may inform you about the many socials, mixers and activities. They may even encourage you to become a member of, if not the Student Union Board, one of the many organizations on campus.

Anyone with questions, comments or concerns should contact Lily at (318) 274-2702 or Omar Jones at (318) 274-2485. Or simply stop by the Favrot Student Union between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to ask one of the active members of the student union board. They will be more than happy to assist students with any concerns.