
Lewis Temple welcomes new pastor

Lewis Temple CME church of Grambling is proud to announce the induction of their new pastor. Wendell M. Oldham, Jr., was born to Wendell and Thelma Oldham and raised in Dayton, Ohio, where he met and married his wife Cheryl in 1972. Through their union, one daughter, Kelli was born.

Pastor Oldham accepted his call to the ministry in May of 1991 while working and living in Racine, Wisconsin.

He relocated his family back to Dayton where he received his license to preach as a local preacher under the then Rev. Charles L. Helton. Oldham entered the United Theological Seminary in Dayton where he graduated with a Masters of Divinity Degree in May of 1997.

Rev. Oldham has pastored churches in Ohio and Kentucky and was assigned in July 1998 to pastor at Israel Metropolitan CME Church.

Pastor Oldham is a spirit-filled man of God whose only goal in life is to do the will of his Lord and Savior.