There are several concerns that students should be aware of this semester. One of the major concerns is parking on campus. Students should be aware of many of the guidelines that the GSU Police Department has set for the university. The GSU Police Department feels that students as well as faculty should obey parking rules or face the consequences. The rules of the university say that students should park in the areas outlined in the white parking sections of campus, while the faculty should be confined to only the blue sections. With these rules stated, all vehicles are to be registered in order to avoid being ticketed.
The fine for no parking permit or an expired permit is $35, while the cost to register is $25 for faculty and $12 for students.
“We are asking students to leave 10 to 15 minutes in advance (of classes) to ensure organized parking times,” Chief Jefferson Walker said. “Any student that needs a parking space should park in the stadium.”
To make driving experiences easier, students who live on campus are urged not to drive. But if they do park in the commuter spaces, GSUPD will not fine them.
“It’s hard to walk to class right now due to the heat,” said junior Sabella Maxwell. “And when it gets cold it’s going to be just as hard.”
GSUPD is aware that the parking spaces provided by the university are not enough for each person to have a place to park, but they will enforce the regulations to keep order.
Grambling is not a stranger to awkward parking situations. With the addition of the new Drew Hall, many students argued about the bad parking situation until the university added the extra parking lot located behind the dorm.
“I believe that on campus students should walk to class,” said Broderick Eggins. “I live off campus, and every day it’s a circus trying to park on campus, which makes me late to class.”
With all of the parking situations that are present at GSU, many wonder where the money is going.
According to the GSU Police Department, all the money collected is going back into the university. The fines go into things such as the upkeep of parking lots, supplies for the Police Department and salaries.
Although many Gramblinites feel the police are being too strict about the parking tickets and fines, Chief Walker feels that they are not here to make life hard. They are simply here to help.
Walker goes on to say, “We are here to help and to make productive citizens.”
He also feels that students need to be cautious of their safety here at GSU.
Anyone who needs to contact the Police Department or Chief Walker can take advantage of his 24 hour open-door policy or call the GSU Police Department at (318) 274-2222.