It is a pleasure to say Welcome to Tigerland, the place where everybody is somebody! Campus Ministries United here at GSU have been praying for your safe arrival to this place of a new journey for your life. Campus Ministry has had a jump-start into meeting many of the needs of our new and returning students. We are the place to quench your spiritual thirst… and physical one as well.
GSU-Wesley Foundation serving Campus Ministries United is the administrative Co-coordinator for Spiritual Life here at Grambling State. We pledge that “All Shall Be Well” through our faith that strengthen each one of us.
Campus Ministry has over five denominations and several different faiths on campus. If you need directions to seeking out your denomination or faith, church, synagogue, temple or masque please drop by the Spiritual Life Center located in Robinson Hall and we will be glad to help you to adjust while you are here matriculating at GSU.
A reminder to all religious clubs … please make sure your club is registered and official. To reserve a place to have your Theological studies please pick up a form from Mrs. Delores Smith in Long Jones Hall Rm. 262. If you require more assistance please contact campus ministry at
Please note that all student’s groups have been banned from Grambling Hall Auditorium due to maintenance and destruction of the location. All Bible Studies will start after the Labor Day Holiday.
For more information feel free to contact me by any of the following methods: 318-274-3135, cell-318-614-6152,,
Rev. Connie Breaux