
Deltas haze GNite

Last week in the The Gramblinite’s weekly editorial, we expounded on the suspension issue with the Delta Iota chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. In no way was that a way of attacking the Deltas.In the editorial we said, ” If hazing was a cause for suspension the Deltas should then be ashamed.” We never said that the Deltas were a disgrace. Come on my collegiate colleagues, we should all know how to read a headline. We said the suspension was a disgrace to GSU because a vibrant organization will no longer have a campus voice.

However, several members of Delta Sigma Theta have harassed The Gramblinite staff members with phone calls and have been sought taking newspapers out of academic buildings. I have even been receiving private phone calls where the caller uses vulgar language in expressing their outrage towards the editorial.

My staff tried several times to get the chapter president Rachel Hickerson and chapter advisor Delores Wilkerson-Smith to comment regarding the suspension and they chose not to.

Chapter members, you need to take your concerns up with the leaders and not us because we did our part to make sure your voice was heard loud and clear.

A lot of times when people fail to give their side of a story it’s makes it seem like the story is biased. In this case, I feel this is what happened. Again, we asked you for your voice and you denied us access. So don’t voice you opinions now.

Many of you are making it seem like The Gramblinite did this to you. It is not our fault that your plot had to be removed; you did it to yourselves.

The strangest thing I heard all week was, ” Delta business is between GSU and the Deltas not the student body.” Well everything at Grambling State that involves students participation deserves a explanation. You owe the students an explanation for your actions, because they are the ones that attend your events and seek membership.

They also said that half of the editorial board was Greek and they should think about their organization before putting another on blast. We, the editors, are journalists and we cannot mix our personal lives with our professional lives.

Instead of commenting on an editorial, how about commenting on the housing story, saggy pants, Greek life vs. Christianity and Jena 6. These are topics that deserve a lot of discussion.

Nonetheless, the staff of The Gramblinite works hard to make sure that the students are receiving accurate news that sheds light on issues on campus. If we have to step on a few toes from time to time to make that happen, We’re willing to do just that!