EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a part two of a three part series.Currently, I am working on a webpage devoted to GSU and will eventually put the essays up on that page (see www.theamericandissident.org/GSU.htm).
This letter and that page will evidently not be beneficial to my professional career, which has been on a rocky road for over a decade now, ever since I decided to choose to do what professors shamefully learn not to do, that is, speak out critically regarding the dubious state of affairs in the nation’s public universities.
Thus, professionally I have been rather “unsuccessful,” though as a citizen I have been quite “successful.”
By the way, not one GSU English professor expressed interest in the literary journal, The American Dissident, that I’ve been publishing since 1998, despite my posting and distributing flyers in and around the English department. They must be fervent believers in the old proverb: curiosity killed the cat?
The library never subscribed, but you may find a copy of the journal on the shelf of the Lincoln Parish Public Library, which subscribes. along with Harvard University, Buffalo University, Brown University, Wisconsin University, and Michigan University.
Be warned, however, that the journal does stand in direct opposition to the sacred modus operandi favored by the nation’s English professors: silence. On that subject, you might wish to read the op-ed I published in the News-Star (Monroe) last winter (www.theamericandissident.org/Op-Ed-NewsStar.htm). You might also wish to consult Poesy magazine (www.poesy.org/interviews.htm), which interviewed me last May as literary editor and dissident poet.