Whoever said that being in a room full of Holy Ghost, spirit-filled men was boring lied. The room was filled with so much laughter and joy you have to ask, “Where can I get some of that?” Just being near them gives you an aura of peace. In other words, God’s presence was as certain as theirs and ours.
In today’s society, praising God openly is usually left to the women, because in the eyes of so many, praising God is not considered to be masculine. Nine young men begged the differ. Meet a generation of men who do not let gender dictate their praise. Rev. Reginald Alford, Stephen Davis, Jamar Dorsey, Bruce Eugene, Davin Pierre, David Pierre, Terrion Rogers, Henry Tolbert, and Minister Lance Wright, have no problem praising God anywhere, anytime, and however He moves them. So, let’s get to know them.
Q: When did you get saved?
Tolbert: I was baptized at 5, but my walk began when I could understand the sacrifice God made for us.
Davin: I accepted Christ as my personal savior at seven, but at 18, I really learned who He was and the impact He was making in my life.
Q: How did you develop your personal relationship with Christ?
Rev. Alford: The Baptist Christian Ministry at Alcorn State University changed my life. From that influence, I was compelled to dedicate my life to bringing students closer to God.
Eugene: First, I submitted to Him. Then I came in contact with people who showed me that He was the only way to go. I learned that there are many ways that I could talk to Jesus. He and I became best friends, and He stands in the center of all of my decisions.
Q: Why do you praise God openly?
Davis: I know what the Lord has done for me. The Bible says t “if you are ashamed to claim me on earth, I will be ashamed to claim you in heaven.”
Tolbert: Praising is simply about realizing who God is. When I reach the mindset of praise it doesn’t matter who’s around.
Q: Do you find it hard to live holy while attending college? Why or Why not?
Dorsey: Yes and no. Yes, when you first make a stand for Christ, it is hard to leave certain friends alone. However, I’ve found that once you love them in spite of how your feeling, they still respect you. Not saying that I live perfect or I don’t fall short, but everyday I wake up gives me another chance to live for Him.
Q: Can you still have fun and be a Christian?
David: Yes, when God saves you, He doesn’t take away your sense of humor. He just removes your desire to do things that you use to do. The key is surrounding yourself with positive people that are doing the same things you’re doing, even if that means changing your atmosphere.
Q: Since shouting, praising, and outward worship is considered a feminine trait, how do you overcome this stereotype?
Davin: It took a man full of love; compassion and mercy to die on the cross so brutally and never utter a word. There was nothing feminine about Christ’s death. Therefore, all I have to do is think back over my life, see where He’s brought me from and that’s enough for me to give him all the praise I have inside of me.
Q: If you are in a relationship how do you overcome the temptations of the flesh? If not, how do you choose a companion?
David: The flesh can be overcome when you do not place yourself in the wrong environment. Choosing a companion can be so difficult {especially when you are living for Christ}. The key is choosing someone who loves God just as much as you do, who has things in common as you, and are living a lifestyle that lives in accordance to God’s word.
Q: How is your life an example for others to follow?
Rogers: First of all, I am not perfect, just forgiven. I have not always been good, but over time I have learned that in order to live stress-free, happy and filled with joy, I had to let go of some things and follow Christ. When you approach me and see the fire that lives in my eyes and the joy in my spirit, you would know that it’s Jesus who has given it to me.
Q: What advice would you give to males who want to maintain their masculinity while being totally submitted to God?
Minister Wright: You have to realize that your masculinity is not defined by your spirituality. Denying yourself, totally submitting, and putting God first in everything you do will not decrease your manhood. A life of faith is a life of submission and obedience, which includes peace, joy, and prosperity. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Q: If your life were like being on line, what would your line name be? Why?
Rev. Alford: Reverend Rev
Davis: The Found One _” I once was lost, but now I’m found.
Dorsey: Wise One _” God has blessed me with being wiser than my years.
Eugene: The Second Coming _” I have been compared to a great guy on and off the field.
Davin: The Chosen One _” 1 Peter 2:9-10
David: The Praiser _” Every opportunity I get I’ve got to give God His just due, because He’s worthy.
Tolbert: The Journey _” Every thing that has occurred in my life is preparation for Heaven.
Rogers: His Servant _” I am His servant. That’s what we are all here for.
Minister Wright _” EQ (Earthquake) _” I was born to shake the foundation of the Earth for Jesus Christ.
Having been given the privileged to sit down and talk to these young men, we can definitely say that we’ve learned a lot. Just because you are a man doesn’t mean that you cannot raise your hands, or dance in the spirit when need be.
The next time you are feeling the need to raise you hands just do it. It’s time for the men of the world to take their natural position and stop worrying about what the next person will say.