1. Aren’t you upset by the below standard performance of Southern’s sororities at the step show?
2. Aren’t you even madder that they still placed?
3. Would you agree our Kappas and Zetas were cheated?
4. Who AB-solutely screwed up on the one-yard line?
5. Would you agree that Lil’ Wayne and Baby make a hot couple?
6. Don’t you wonder why he says “Wheezy F. Baby?” (Think about it-)
7. Why are there more thieves in the administration than the student body?
8. Which football player got left in Grambling for the Bayou Classic?
9. Is the SGA still trying to get rid of David?
10. How long was it before you ran out of “quota time” for Facebook?
11. How many people were drunk off of hand grenades this past weekend?
12. Who punted on third down on Madden as a tribute to Coach Spears?
13. How many seniors are mad that they won’t graduate in the new arena?
14. How much more “unseen” footage of Tupac is there?
15. Who really accepts Kramer’s apology?
16. Can you tell us who “Blu” the game?
17. Can we find him on campus or do we need to go back to the old BET files?
18. Why is the President’s house being decorated and no one lives there?
19. Is he at a Miami Heat game right now?
20. Who would like to dedicate a song to the GSU band?