I have always been told that I should keep my thirst for knowledge. The books I have chosen are ones from which I can draw knowledge of the Black community (or even the world), and the struggle of many to better it. No, these books are not the Omar Tyree, Eric Jerome Dickey and Zane books that are highly popular. I feel I have grown to a point where these books are great for entertainment but my appetite for knowledge has changed to include more depth and meaning.Autobiography of Angela DavisAlthough I was elated to see her when she spoke at Grambling I hadn’t the opportunity to read her autobiography, but after reading the autobiography of Assata Shakur this past week, an overwhelming urge to read this book has compelled me to put it on the top on my list.Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver I have heard a lot about this book good and bad. The book wrote in 1968 touches on many issues of black men. It also touches on other themes like racial pride and nationalism. What I am really looking forward to is reading the final essay “To all Black Women, from All Black Men”. I’ve heard that it is a beautiful piece.Slave by Mende Nazer and Damien LewisIn class I have heard much about this story. The emotions that it evoked from my classmates has created a type of interest that will not be quelled until I finally read this book. What I do know about the book is that it is about a woman who was a slave in Sudan and then worked as a domestic in London. I don’t know much else about it but I’m definitely excited to read this.What is the What The autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng by Dave EggersThis is actually a new edition to my list after reading about it in the New York Times. What struck my appeal was the fact that it had to do with a fictional “lost boy” and I have watched the documentary Lost Boys of Sudan and have read the book escape from Slavery by Francis Bok so I am interested in seeing if the fictional character Valentino experiences the same things I read and saw in the other non-fiction works.The Color Purple by Alice WalkerI have watched this movie over and over and over and I love it! But I have yet to read the book in its entirety. I do know that the movie did leave some things out that were in the book so I think its time for me to go ahead and read all of it.