
Whitney Moore represents September

When asked what was her motivation to compete in the pageant, Whitney Moore-White replied, "One of my personal goals for the 2005 – 2006 school year was to be more comfortable speaking and being seen in front of the student body. "I was always really scared to speak in front of large audiences, and I wanted to become an effective leader," said Moore. At that time I realized that she was going to be a very down to earth person, not many people can admit to having stage fright. "I was completely shocked when the judges called my number, I was surprised to know that I had done that well. I was very proud of myself." White considers herself an active person now that she’s in college. "In high school I was only active in one activity, I am much more active now than I ever was in high school. "I don’t believe I would have been this active, had I went to another school." You have to give her props however, it’s not easy being a junior psychology major, and still able to participate in the amount of activities she does. "I am the junior class president, The Associate Chairperson of the Artistic and Cultural Committee, SGA volunteer, Society of Distinguished Black Women, and also a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc." With those activities one can wonder if Whitney ever has any spare time, and what she likes to do. "I like to read, shop, and listen to music." Whitney laughed as she told me her new found activity. "I recently bought an apartment, and I’ve never really had to cook for myself before, the feeling of being grown up is amazing." She’s also participates in volunteering with small children at the nursery school. "I like to volunteer with anything involving the advancement of helping with small children." Whitney considers herself a people person, "when the people around me are happy, I’m happy." Seeing that Whitney is from California, I couldn’t help but to ask her why she chose Grambling to further her education. "The alumni had a very big influence on my choice, they shaped my life and showed me who I wanted to become in the future. Also, Grambling’s small student body was what I was used to being that I came from a small high school." Before I left the table, Whitney had advice she wanted to share with the future contestants, "Always be accountable for yourself. Your winning or losing the pageant depends on you so sell yourself. Be humble, punctual, and responsible for your actions at all times."