
Omega Psi Phi wins best international achievement

    At the end of last semester, the Gamma Gamma chapter of Omega Psi Phi won best undergraduate chapter of the fraternity internationally at a ceremony held in Little Rock, Ark.

This was based on academics and service to the community. Honors won by the chapter include best social action chapter, most community service and the second highest GPA of all Omega chapters in the world. This is not only the first time that Gamma Gamma has received this award. It is the first time that any Greek organization at GSU has been named best chapter internationally. Another first was that Brian Gundy was named second vice Basileus. In order to maintain this status, the Omegas have a weekly meeting to make sure that all business is taken care of. "We have reached the top," said Kenneth Hall. "There is no where else to go but down and we don’t want to go there." Before making it to the international level, Gamma Gamma won best chapter in the ninth district, which consists of Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Arkansas. At the ceremony held in Dallas, the brothers won best GPA, Russell LeDay won best advisor and Brandon Logan was named scholar of the year. Noteworthy projects include several campus clean-ups and a memorial service given for two students that were killed in a car accident and donating five hundred dollars each to their families. This school year, Gamma Gamma has several events lined up. They include Delta/Que week, a women’s appreciation program, the annual black affair and several fundraisers and service projects. "We do it all with our cardinal principals in mind: manhood, scholarship, perseverance and uplift," Hall proudly stated.