I feel privileged to be able to be apart of such a prestigious college. This would be one of many accomplishments, and I am looking forward to being apart of the great things this organization will do", said Clement Ogunyemi, one of the 52 students who were inducted into the Earl Lester Cole Honors College on last Friday. Dr. Mary R.Vaughn, guest speaker of the ceremony and the executive assistant to the president of GSU, gave a speech, encouraging the students to set the bar instead of trying to meet the accomplishments of others, and stressing the importance of leadership. Dr. Ellen Smiley, assistant Dean of the Honors College, said in order for students to be a part of the Honors College, they must have a 3.5 and above GPA, a letter of recommendation, and must prove that they can achieve excellence at the college level. Incoming freshman who want to be a part the honors college have to maintain a 3.5 or above while in high school, and an ACT score of 25 or above. "Incoming freshman are required to complete a Provost Literary Series; a review of fifteen books given to them for a personal library", said Smiley. Smiley said the provost is a way of making sure the students are well issued and read in a number of areas. During the summer, invitations are sent out to students who obtained a GPA of 3.5 or higher. "The GPA is not rounded. It must be exactly a 3.5 at the least," said Smiley. Once the students are inducted they must take three honors seminars, maintain a 3.5, and become involved in community service projects. They will receive a bronze, silver, or gold medallion of distinction. The medallion is based on the involvement of the student. The activities that the honors students participate in, vary from semester to semester. Smiley said the honors college encourages community service, and their students to run for office. "Last year, we took a trip to Lake Charles, La to participate in Habitat for Humanities to help build houses for the victims of Hurricane Katrina", said Smiley. Inductions only take place in the fall. Once a student has been inducted, they stay in the honors college unless they fail to meet the academic and seminar requirements. This is an organization that all students should want to indulge in. The honors committee encourages students who want to be a part of the honors college to strive for academic excellence and leadership. The Earl Lester Cole Honors College is a program that was established in 1990 by the Joseph Johnson Administration to enhance and strengthen activities of academically gifted students.