A dorm room is just a dorm room-hang on a minute. No it isn’t! A student’s dorm room is the place where they substitute home for an entire year, a place that should be suitable enough for any student living on a college campus.
When asked about the new dormitory buildings and how they felt it would impact them several students, were eager to express their feelings on this issue.
International students Shanta Lewis said, “I think that it is great idea, but they may not directly affect me if I don’t live in them.”
Junior class Vice President David Dirks looks at the new dorms in a broader sense by saying, “New dorms will give students a better environment to cultivate their learning experience. They will be able to keep and retain quality students.” Freshman Taylor Dyer, who currently lives in Bethune, said “I personally like the idea because some of these dorms are horrible.”
After the demolition of Martha Adams dormitory, a clubhouse will be built there. Following that, apartment dormitories 100, 200, and 300