
Carver Hall buglarized suspect unknown

Thousands of dollars worth of equipment was stolen from Carver Hall on Tuesday night when an unknown group of suspects broke in. A call was made to the GSU police late Tuesday night. There were no witnesses to the break in. Suspects broke the wooden doors to several offices on the first and second floor, stealing computers, monitors, and printers, officials say. A detective was on the scene of the crime early Wednesday morning checking doorknobs for fingerprints while classes were in session. Classes continued on as usual. The GSU police declined to comment on the break-in, because the crime is still under investigation. Officers were sent to patrol Carver hall Wednesday night to prevent any further happenings and to search for any developments in the case.At this time there are no suspects for the break in. An investigation is still pending. At this time there are no suspects for the break in. An investigation is still pending. This is the second break-in in an academic building in about two years. Charles P. Adams was broken into in Spring 2005, and several computers were stolen. Before then, Adams hall was broken into in 2002.