GSU Campus Ministry is off to a fresh start, having just announced it is now housed in Robinson Hall. Office hours are 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Upcoming events include the grand opening of a new relaxation room, Epiphany which will be held on Sept. 15, 16 and 17 at the Swanson Correctional Facility. On Tuesdays, the adviser/ campus minister will be available for conference hours 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Students have expressed their support and appreciation of Campus Ministry and the activities it offers. Senior speech and theatre major DeShawn Doby said, "SWAT ministry has given me an opportunity to grow, not just spiritually but as a person." Other students have offered similar sentiments. "SWAT ministry has helped me in numerous ways. It is like a support system, a place of growth," said sophomore accounting and computer information system major Nichola Bazil.".SWAT ministry is a place where you can come and express yourself spiritually, where there is a shoulder to lean on. "Most importantly, is has helped me to see my position in the work of the Lord and strengthen my spiritual relationship with the Lord," Bazil said. Senior biology major Monroe Morgan said, "Campus Ministry has helped me to realize that I am not alone in my walk of faith." Below is a calendar of upcoming Campus Ministry events offered Monday through Friday: n Leadership Bible Study at 7 p.m. n Dr. Foster’s Systematic Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. in Robinson Hall. n Walking in Grace at noon in Grambling Hall n Enter faith chapel at noon. n Gender Ministry at 7 p.m. in Robinson Hall. n Fellowship and Activity Night in Robinson Hall. Campus Ministry President Matthew Brunson, a senior marketing and economics major, said, "For me, Campus Ministry has been a journey. I came into an organization that had a vision in place. I’ve been able to grow spiritually and into a national leadership role. "Seeing where Campus Ministry came from is awesome, but not as awesome as seeing where it is going," Brunson said. Campus Ministry Vice President Jefferson Jackson, a sophomore business management major, said, "GSU Campus Ministry has helped me develop my relationship with God, and leadership skills to apply in everyday life." Campus Ministry Secretary Destiny Pearson, a psychology major, said, "Campus Ministry has meant so much to me; if I had to sum it up I would say that Campus Ministry has helped me to see that through God all things are possible. "There is no limit to the things that you can do or the goals that you can achieve. Anything is possible," Pearson said.