In the world of sociologists there is commonly used term called three-ism; which describes the diversity of society and the many facets thereof.Shari Dade senior, of Choudrant was one of few undergraduate students that attended the Association of Black Sociologist conference from Grambling State University. The Association of Black Sociologist 36th annual conference was held Montreal, Quebec, Canada Aug. 8-11. Dade receive first place for the Undergraduate Student paper titled The Precursors of Resilience. Dade choose her topic based off of her experience from an internship she did in 2005, at the University of Minnesota. My mentor specializes in resilience in various populations and I was impressed with her work,” said Dade. She adds that the award came as a surprise to her. “I was not expecting to receive first place because I was one of the few undergraduate students that submit a paper,” said Dade. “Most of the seminar deatl with issues such as Race, Sex and Class. However the one thing that I enjoyed the most was being exposed to famous Sociologists, I read about there work in textbooks but just being able to have a understanding how they succeed,” said Dade.
“While attending the conference I gained knowledge from many graduate students that will prepare me for graduate school in the future,” said Dade.