
Miss August keeping it real, reaching new heights

As Miss August walks down the hallway going to class, she feels the stares.

"Is it her?" students often wonder.

However, Bayonne Renee’ Gresham doesn’t let it faze her.

"When the calendar was released, a lot of people would look at me like ‘she looks like the girl in the calendar, but I’m not sure if she is’," she said. "At first it was a little overwhelming. You have to remember to still be humble as it was just a pageant."

Gresham considers herself a friendly person, always willing to help others.

"I’m a real sincere person," she said. "If you have problems, I’m willing to listen to them."

Getting Gresham to listen may be a little difficult, because she is highly active on campus. Gresham is also involved a member of the Orchesis Dance Company, a member of the Entourage, a reporter for The Gramblinite, and an SGA volunteer.

Gresham, however, still makes sure she takes care of herself.

"I make time for myself when I go home," she said. "I go into my room and just stay on my computer and watch television."

Gresham is a reality TV buff as well, revealing that her favorite reality show is America’s Top Model on UPN.

"Tyra picks girls, not just based on looks, but she picks girls on who’s had issues in the past," said Gresham, explaining why she likes the show. "She picks them because of their personality."

Gresham allows her personality to come out when she dances, something that she loves to do.

"Dance allows me to show it through my feet, my hands, my face, and my movements," she said. "I don’t have to say anything."

Gresham has performed with the Orchesis during concert season. However, Gresham has just accomplished one of her goals this semester, making the field show.

Gresham grew up in Venice Beach, Calif. and was not limited to only her culture.

"I grew up with all kinds of ethnic backgrounds," Gresham said. "I was exposed to many different things other than what’s in my house."

Gresham is also a sports fanatic, trying nearly every sport possible…except one.

"I want to learn how to play golf…extremely bad," she said.

In high school, Gresham was a member of the varsity cheerleading squad of Venice High.

"I actually do miss my high school," she said. "I was very much involved. I miss it a lot, but you have to grow up. I wouldn’t trade high school for the world."

After high school, Gresham’s parents made sure she furthered her education by enrolling her into college.

"My mom is very much into me getting my education and staying in school," she said. "She didn’t get the chance and she wants to make sure that I have more than she has. My dad just wants me to graduate from college. He’s happy with that."

Flash forwarding to today, people may notice something different about Gresham from last semester. Her hair is shorter.

"I wanted a different look," she said. "With shorter hair, I look my age. With longer hair, I look younger."

Of course, Gresham has gotten mixed reactions about her new look.

"Some people say I shouldn’t have cut my hair," she said. "Others say that they like the new look. As long as I’m happy that’s all that matters."

Being in the Cover Girl Pageant isn’t easy, according to Gresham.

"Start now in looking for your different attires," Gresham said. "It’s very hard to look for the items you need a month before your pageant and then for them not to be approved. If you have it in your mindset that you want to do it, then start now."