Life is always full of surprises, however, graduation from Grambling State University was the one thing that I always expected. It’s hard to believe that four years have come and gone. I remember the first day at Grambling State University in the fall of 2002. How quickly strangers become friends!Trameka Jewett: They always say that you should surround yourself with good people. After meeting you, I took heed to that advice. We are finally here, the day that we so awaited. I wish you well and pray that God continues to bless you as he has done this far. Love you!Edith Hall: Where do I start? You are one crazy woman, but that craziness brought you this far and I am so proud of you. I know that we haven’t had that much time together but it was time well spent. Take care of my Misha when I am gone, and if I change my mind, I will definitely be back to visit. I will miss you but you get that paper.Ashlee King: We have definitely had our ups and downs, but I am ending this hurdle on a high point. I will miss you very much. TAKE CARE OF YOU!! I know that times can get hard, but know that you always make it on top. No pain, no gain! I love you and I thank you for being my neighbor, sister, and friend over these four years. Arkesha Moore: You know that you are crazy! It is always something going on in your life but know that through it all, I am always here for you. I will miss you and I love you. Call me anytime your phone is on (LOL).Nicole Russell: My sister. I count you as the big sister that I always wanted. I can talk to you about anything and I hope it continues. I am so proud of you. You have been through storms that I couldn’t imagine, and you always come out at the end of the rainbow. I live for you. Dr. Martin Edu: If it doesn’t kill me, it only makes me stronger. You have definitely made me a stronger person. Corporate America is not ready for a Dr. Edu student.Lynsie Ransaw: My little "Leslie." Grambling State University is not ready for you. I am so happy that I was able to take you under my wing and show you what to do and most importantly, what not to do. Learn from my mistakes and be better than me. Be the best "Leslie" that you can be and don’t let anyone keep you from your goals, not friends, not enemies and especially not men. You are my princess.Natalia Stroman: The queen of queens. You are definitely royalty in my eyes. The one person that will always reach for the stars is my "Nay-Nay." Don’t just stop at the stars; go for the moon because you deserve it. Brandon Johnson: Who would have thought? You and I have grown closer than the heart could imagine. My doctor when I was sick, my counselor when I needed to talk and my friend when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I thank you for everything and know that this is not the end but just the beginning, but you have to become rich first (LOL). Love ya!Dustin Barnes: Quittttt! You do the absolute most and I am going to miss every second of it. I wish we had more time, but the friendship we gained is more than enough for me. I am so proud of you. I pray that you continue to remain motivated and never settle for less.Te amore!Delta Iota: To my divastating sisters of Delta Iota. Despite it all, I have never loss my love for D.I. I pray that you all carry the name of this chapter with honor, distinction, and grace for it is like no other. Chelsea, Bashay, Anna, Marjorie, Tasia and the others who have found a special place in my heart, you are the future leaders, not only in Delta, but also in life. Take heed to the lessons you have learned thus far and grow. If you need anything, I am only a phone call away. Oo-oop my sorors. Misha L. Forte’: Saving the best (friend) for last. We have definitely been through the storm. Words cannot express the love that I have for you. You have been my sister, backbone, and best friend since the beginning of time. Grambling State University was not ready for this dynamic duo. Just know that although I am leaving, we will always be a team. There is no separating us. We took different routes in many areas, but we always ended up by each other’s side. We have shared stories, tears, and "death-defying stunts" together, which allowed us to grow closer everyday. We always say, "you win some, you lose some, but you live to see another day." When you find yourself sitting on top of a washing machine in the middle of the night thinking, remember that and remember me. You are truly a "Keepsake" and I love you with all my heart. I came here meeting strangers and I am leaving behind more than friends, but family. I wish everyone the best in all that they do. If I forgot anyone, charge it to my mind and not my heart. I love you all!