
74 candidates compete for spot on acclaimed squad

 Cheerleading Tryouts Slideshow

    It’s that time again, cheerleading tryouts time that is. The cheerleaders at GSU are the

crowd grabbing, spirit raising, acrobatic men and women that get the crowed hyped events

like a jammed packed football game or basketball game energized.

     April 24th was the first day of cheerleading clinic. Those attending would learn

the cheer and dance that was to be performed the day of tryouts. Skills such as tumbling,

proper techniques for students supporting a flyer were also demonstrated and practiced.

On Sunday men, women and children filed the womenA-s gymnasium to witness 74

hopefuls compete for the chance to be named GSU cheerleaders. Tryouts began at

approximately 2:20 pm by head coach Terry Lilly.

Participant were competing for the chance to be placed on ether the co ed or

all-girls squad as flyers or bases. Participants were required to introduce themselves to

the crowd, show spirit, stunt, do a cheer and a two minute dance.

"Tiger fans you’re number one so stand up on your feet and show your Tiger spirit"

was the cheer performed by all participants. Congratulations to the new and returning


New squad:

Boadu Adomako

Maranda Banks

Darrell Bell

Greg Burnside

Whitney Carter

Daesha Colins

Quanica Darden

Sade Donald

Felicia Gibson

Holly Gray

Kamisha Harris

Shakira Hawkins

Christy Hearns

Altrese Jacobs

Bradon Joyner

Vashanna Kendrick

Steven Long

Akeem Martin

Dominque Mayfield

Anthondy Merrick

Brittany Milhouse

Asheley Mitchell

Rachel Oliver

Lynsie Ransaw

Pharion Route

Courtney Samuels

Erica Singleton

Ephraim Slack

Jeanette Sly

Robyn Stewart

Micheal Taulton

Ahvery Thomas

Keshia Thompson

Brittany Tiford

Laquilla Vaughn

Ashley Warren

Takenya Washington

Donald Williams