
Politeness taken to new level

Most people walk around campus half the time taking for granted the friendly faces they encounter by crossing someone’s path and not even extending so much as a hand wave. It is quite unfortunate how inhumane people have become. Most people think it is a "southern thing" to speak to people as we pass each other up on the streets, but I believe it is the human thing to do.

What’s even more sickening is when people do speak it usually indicates they want some thing. Such as: in the past three weeks, people who have never spoken, mumbled hello, or winced in my direction have all of a sudden made me feel like I am one of the most important person’s they have met. I received more attention do to the fact that elections are coming up.

Every young lady wants to be Miss Grambling every young scholar wants to be SGA president etc. I find it quite strange that people who consider them selves to be the crAme de la crA”me of the campus who at one point could not muster up any type of conversation with me are now my best friends. News flash people: If you are going to be a politician start campaigning your freshman year and keep it going until you decide what you are running for!

I am sick to death of students being mistreated because they are not part of the "in" crowd, but as soon as election time rolls around they are treated like Grambling Royalty.

"There is a person I know running for a position that I have always been cool with and she talks to me on the regular and she asked me to vote for her and I said yes," Kenneth Bell said." However, there are a couple of candidates who I see on the regular and they never speak but now they are running for positions and are all in my face because they want me to vote for them."

As rude as that sounds it doesn’t even phase the people who are guilty of the no speaking policy, that is until election time; they don’t even see anything wrong with that behavior. Although myself along with many others are pissed off because of the complete malignant act of selfishness, there are some people who disagree with us.

"I understand why people are I, as you would say, all of a sudden speaking," Carey Richmond said. "It is weird to walk around speaking to people all the time for no reason. So you can’t fault a person for trying to market themselves for there prospective positions."

Though Richmond makes a great point, I still suggest that if you know you plan to run for certain positions please make sure you campaign long before you decide to run. By campaigning I mean, speak to people; the most nice and effective way to get the attention of people you want to vote for you in the future starts with something as small as a smile.


Nyki Caston is a junior mass communication major from Dallas.