
Judicial Affairs goes beyond conducting violation hearings

Until recently, Grambling State University’s Office of Student Judicial Affairs was known for investigating and resolving allegations of academic and nonacademic violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Now, Student Judicial Affairs, via monthly training workshops, is strengthening services to students by providing behavioral learning support activities and crime prevention education.Beverly Crawford, the director of Student Judicial Affairs, said,, "We have workshops such as Conflict Resolution, so that students will know that Judicial Affairs is not a place to go only when you are in trouble. We use these workshops as a preventive measure.""It is going to take a collaboration with all areas, not just Judicial Affairs," said Crawford.Kara Jackson and LaTrena Robinson are graduate assistants who coordinate the Peer Mediation program, developed during last fall. The first workshop, held the day after Valentine’s Day, was titled Mending Your Relationships Through Mediation. Jackson said the purpose of the workshop was to give students an overview of the peer mediation program becqause they didn’t know about it. "We focused on romantic relationships, working with a group, and friendships," she said.During the training, students were given definitions of positive, healthy relationships and tips for surviving long distance relationships. They were told about GSU avenues available to help them mend their relationships.Students shared their opinions and told about problems with relationships. David Adams, a junior from New Orleans, said, "Sometimes students confuse lust with love."Kamali Warner, a student from Dominica, said, "Most young people equate intimacy with sex." "The workshops are geared towards changing students’ perceptions about Student Judicial Affairs," said Crawford.