New plans for the Tiger Express and Grambling State University bookstore are on the way. Many students have been waiting in anticipation for a wider variety of on campus restaurants similar to those on other campuses, and a place where they can hold meetings.The idea arose when Vice President of Finance Billy Owens, former SGA Presidents Adonis Ducree and Martin Lemelle, and current SGA President Levicy Crawford expressed their interest in proceeding with the project that would allow students to have a new center with various restaurants.Student Union President Angelica Barrow, a senior from Opelousas, said the move will have a positive impact on the University because it shows that GSU is moving toward expansion. "I do not think it would have negative impact on the students in the Union because we always have a heavy flow of students coming in and out of the Favrot Student Union," Barrow said.According to Crawford, there were several meetings held to discuss the proposed move. She said a survey was conducted to find out what type of restaurants students are interested in having on campus.The proposed change was put into motion when Ducree headed the SGA. The proposal has since gone through the planning and approval process and will be taking place this spring. The new food court will look similar to Tolliver Hall, the student union at Louisiana Tech University. A large proportion of the bookstore was not being used, Owens said. "It made sense for that building to be used as a food court and meeting, hang-out place for the students and it was also cheaper than building another building," he said.The relocation of the bookstore is being paid for by Barnes & Noble. The reinvention of the bookstore is supposed to take place in August or September. The bookstore will occupy where the TV Room and Tiger Express are located in Favrot Student Union.According to bookstore manager Rosalyn Lewis, the bookstore will be operated the same, just with less space. GSU president Dr. Horace Judson gave his approval to proceed with the project to enhance the students’ living environment. In addition to the new student center, housing will be building 1,000 suite-style apartments for on-campus students. The Request for Proposal went into the hands of four developers to provide the design for financing and constructing the project. Owens said construction is expected to start sometime in August.Jamaal Garrett, a sophomore from Chicago, is looking forward to the change for more restaurants other than the Chicken Shack and Burger King. The bookstore should have enough space for all the products they carry and sell to students, he said. "This is a great change that the students can benefit from."