In July of 2001, Grambling State University hit a huge, stumbling block: the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) denied the reaffirmation of GSU’s 10-year reaccreditation. Now, GSU is now in more trouble as a newly released audit shows that the university is missing more than $900,000 in equipment.
Nearly $460,000 of it was in computer-related equipment and $118,000 in office equipment. Another key area of concern is the athletic department. According to the audit, there is a lack of segregation of duties within the athletic department, failure to obtain signed game contracts, and a failure to reconcile ticket sales in a timely manner.
President Judson said that the athletic ticket office has two full-time employees, and it is "virtually impossible" to have adequate segregation of duties, according to the Ruston Daily Leader. Judson also mentioned that GSU does sign its game contracts.
"GSU’s Athletic Department signs all game contracts, but is unable to get all of its Southwestern Athletic Conference opponents to sign," he wrote in a response published with the audit. "Pleas have been made to the presidents and athletic directors to sign the game contracts but to no avail."
GSU does get signed contracts for promotional games such as the Bayou Classic. SWAC schools must play each other, or they can be fined $30,000 for refusing to do so.
The university has not suffered any more shrinkage of its properties than any other state agencies, according to the Associated Press. Last month, a Louisiana Tech audit showed that it was missing more than $700,00 worth equipment.
Over the past three years, the missing property added up to less than $862,00 and was never more than 1.55 percent of the year’s total, according to the AP. And, according to President Judson, state guidelines consider a 4 percent "shrinkage" acceptable.
First Assistant Legislative Auditor Robbie Robinson also sees this as positive news.
"They had a few – I think what you call blips on the radar," but are dealing with them, he told the AP. "This is an unqualified opinion. A clean opinion."