
Lyricist Lounge adjust to an outside setting

Students lined up in front of Grambling Hall, getting ready for Groove Phi Groove’s Lyricist Lounge, only to be surprised. The GSU Police shut down Grambling Hall at 6:50, ten minutes before the 7 p.m. event.

According to Justin Henry, a member of Groove Phi Groove, a new procedure had been set in place, and they weren’t notified. It appears that several organizations had been leaving Grambling Hall littered after its use.

“New procedures were set in place because of complaints about people trashing Grambling Hall,” Henry said. “We weren’t informed that we had to send in a room reservation form to (Grambling Police Department).”

Despite being shut down by the police, Lyricist Lounge continued to happen, only this time it was outside. Slowly, but surely, poets began to come forward, spitting their lyrics or poems. The fact that it was outside didn’t bother people.

“This is my passion. I’ve been doing this for 14 years,” said Jasmine McKinnon-Price, stage name Urban_Passion.

The outside event allowed passer-bys to get an unexpected taste of Lyricist Lounge.

“It was different,” said Dawn Riggs. “I really don’t have a preference. I would come back anyway.”

Pedro Mendoga, who performed freestyles, also enjoyed the event.

“It was cool even though it wasn’t supposed to be out side,” said the artist also known as Young Dro.

Brittney Haywood also thought the event went well.

“Everyone did their thing and brought pure talent to the table,” she said.