Scientists from all of Louisiana’s public and private colleges and universities will converge at Grambling State University to share information regarding the latest research in their respective fields during the will host the 79th Louisiana Academy of Sciences slated for Friday in the T. L. James Building on the campus.
Seventy-one abstracts will be presented orally during five parallel sessions, while an additional 49 will be exhibited during the daylong event. Registration begins at 7:30.
Dr. Ratan Guha, professor of computer science at the University of Central Florida, will discuss "Cluster Computers with V Cluster for High Performance Computing" during the morning session slated for 8:15 until 9 a.m. in T. L. James Auditorium.
· Concurrent sessions will run from 9:15 until noon as follows:
· Best Student Oral Competition, Room 131
· Chemistry, Auditorium
· Physics, Room 129
· Botany, Zoology, Environmental Science Room 104
· Agriculture, Forestry, Wildlife, Earth Science Room 130
Lunch will be held from noon until 1 p.m. in the Black & Gold Room of Favrot Student Union. Tickets must be purchased during registration.
A business meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. until 1:20 p.m. in the Black & Gold Room.
Concurrent afternoon sessions will run from 1:30 p.m. until 5 in T.L. James as follows:
· Chemistry, Auditorium
· Material Science & Engineering, Room 129
· Computer Science and Mathematics, Room 129
· Higher Education, K-12 Education, Room 130
· Zoology, Environmental Science Room 104
· Microbiology, Biomedical & Molecular Biology, Auditorium
Visual presentations will be on exhibit beginning at 8:30 a.m. in T. L. James, Room 128.
According to Dr. Y. B. Reddy, coordinator of the activity, in addition to uniting Louisiana scientists for the purpose of encouraging research and education in all branches of science, the academy also encourages and conducts scientific discussions, publish and disseminate scientific material, conduct all enterprises deemed to promote the cause of science, and fosters the application of science to the problems of humanity.
"The Academy also assists teachers in the state’s elementary and secondary schools with the caliber of instruction necessary to generate and maintain an interest in all areas of science," Reddy said. "It is an active voice representing science in both higher education and K-12 in Louisiana."
To learn more about the Academy, go to For more information about the event, contact Dr. Reddy