Donations needed for prizes in annual competition.
A High School Student Art Competition will be held from April 4 -14 in the Dunbar Hall Gallery, followed by the Annual GSU Student Competition.
Awards will be presented to artists in both of the exhibitions, and sponsors are being sought. The aim is to get members of the public to sponsor an award in their own honor or for the honor/memory of a loved one.
To make a donation, contributors must submit it to the Grambling State University "Friends of the Arts" and designate it for "Art Student Awards."
An award will be named in honor/memory of the person that you designate and will be presented to an outstanding student artist entering one of the competitions.
Award amounts will depend on the amount of money received in donations. Donations may be combined to create the various levels of awards.
Submit your name, address and amount of donation, and indicate in whose honor/memory the money is being donated to the Art Department, or mail the information to Art Department, GSU Box 4206.
Off-campus donations may be mailed to P.O. Box 1184, Grambling, LA 71245.