
Spectator bus, auditions among coming FSUB-sponsored events

The Favrot Student Union Board will host a number of activities during the month of February.

There will be a spectator bus to Jackson, Miss. on Saturday, Feb. 21 to support the GSU basketball team as they take on the Jackson Tigers. The $7 turn around trip will include transportation, and a game ticket. 

Only registered students who have no judicial record within the past year will be allowed to take advantage of the offer. 

If paying with cash/debit/credit card, you must pay at the cashier’s window in Long-Jones Hall. If paying with G-Flex, you must pay at the ticket window in the Assembly Center. The deadline to pay is Friday or until the bus is filled. 

You must bring your receipt to office 215 in the Student Union to officially sign up.

The last Tigerfest Talent Show and Event Host auditions will be held tonight in the T. H.. Harris Auditorium at 7 p.m. 

Talent show winners will receive $200 for first place, $150 for second place and $100 for third place.  All clubs, organizations, and departments are encouraged to participate. Contact Khadijah Freeman at for a parade application.

A Speed Dating event will also be held at 7 p.m. in the Favrot Student Union Room 242. 

The nomination process for the Student Choice Awards has begun. Come to any FSUB event or stop by office 215 in the union by Friday, Feb. 13 to complete a nomination form.